As a valued member/partner, you join us in a shared commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards and professional conduct. Our Code of Conduct serves as a roadmap to guide our behaviour and decision-making, ensuring that we all contribute to a culture of integrity, respect, and excellence. By embracing the principles outlined in this Code, we foster a positive work environment, cultivate strong relationships with our partners, and create memorable experiences for our audiences. Together, we'll navigate our journey towards continued success and growth in the entertainment industry.
1.1. Purpose The Code of Conduct for Nowaar Entertainment LLC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the ethical standards and behavior guidelines that all employees, contractors, and stakeholders are expected to follow in order to maintain a professional and respectful work environment.
1.2. Scope The Code of Conduct applies to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders of the Company, regardless of their position, location, or duration of their engagement with the Company.
Ethical Standards
2. Ethical Standards
2.1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations All employees, contractors, and stakeholders must comply with applicable laws and regulations in Saudi Arabia and any other jurisdictions where the Company operates.
2.2. Conflicts of Interest Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must avoid situations that may create conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof. They must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to their supervisor or relevant management personnel.
2.3. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption The Company strictly prohibits any form of bribery, corruption, or other unethical business practices. All employees, contractors, and stakeholders must conduct business in a transparent and ethical manner.
Workplace Behaviour
3. Workplace Behaviour
3.1. Respect and Inclusion The Company is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. All employees, contractors, and stakeholders must treat each other with respect and dignity.
3.2. Health and Safety The Company prioritizes the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and stakeholders. All individuals are required to comply with safety guidelines, report any hazards or safety concerns, and support a safe work environment.
Protection of Company Assets and Information
4. Protection of Company Assets and Information
4.1. Confidentiality and Data Privacy Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must protect the Company's confidential information and respect the privacy of personal data. Unauthorized access, disclosure, or use of confidential information is strictly prohibited.
4.2. Intellectual Property All employees, contractors, and stakeholders must respect and protect the intellectual property rights of the Company and third parties.
Social Responsibility
5. Social Responsibility
5.1. Environmental Sustainability The Company is committed to minimizing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are expected to support these efforts by following the Company's environmental policies and guidelines.
5.2. Community Engagement The Company encourages employees, contractors, and engage in community activities and contribute positively to the local communities where the Company operates.
6. Reporting and Enforcement
6.1. Reporting Violations
Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are responsible for reporting any known or suspected violations of the Code of Conduct to their supervisor, human resources, or through the Company's established reporting channels.
6.2. Non-Retaliation
The Company strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports a violation or participates in an investigation. Any act of retaliation should be reported immediately.
6.3. Investigations
The Company will promptly investigate any reports of violations of the Code of Conduct and take appropriate action, including disciplinary measures or legal action, if necessary.
6.4. Disciplinary Measures
Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contractual agreements, as well as possible legal consequences.
7. Training and Awareness
7.1. Code of Conduct Training
All employees, contractors, and stakeholders must complete mandatory training on the Code of Conduct upon joining the Company and periodically thereafter, as determined by the Company.
7.2. Compliance Awareness
Supervisors and management personnel are responsible for promoting awareness of the Code of Conduct and ensuring that their teams understand and adhere to the guidelines.
8. Amendments and Updates
8.1. Review and Updates
The Company will regularly review and update the Code of Conduct to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in guiding ethical behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
8.2. Communication of Changes
Any amendments or updates to the Code of Conduct will be communicated to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders in a timely manner.
9. Supplier and Partner Relationships
9.1. Ethical Procurement The Company is committed to engaging suppliers and partners who share its values and adhere to ethical business practices. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders involved in procurement processes must consider suppliers' and partners' ethical standards and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
9.2. Fair Competition The Company believes in the principles of fair competition and expects all employees, contractors, and stakeholders to comply with competition and antitrust laws. Unfair practices, such as price-fixing, market manipulation, or collusion, are strictly prohibited.
10. Social Media and Public Communications
10.1 Responsible Use of Social Media Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must use social media responsibly and in a manner that upholds the Company's reputation. They must refrain from disclosing confidential information, making false or misleading statements, or engaging in any form of harassment or discrimination.
10.2. Public Representations Only designated spokespersons may make public statements
of the Company. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must not represent themselves as spokespersons for the Company without proper authorization.
11. Political Activities and Contributions
11.1. Personal Political Activities
Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are free to engage in personal political activities, as long as it does not interfere with their work responsibilities or create conflicts of interest. They must not use Company resources or time to support personal political activities.
11.2. Corporate Political Contributions
The Company may participate in political activities or make contributions in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any such activities or contributions must be approved by the appropriate management personnel.
12. Record-keeping and Reporting
12.1. Accurate Record-keeping
Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must maintain accurate and complete records of all business transactions and activities. Falsification, alteration, or omission of records is strictly prohibited.
12.2. Financial Reporting
The Company is committed to transparent and accurate financial reporting. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders involved in financial reporting must ensure that all financial records are prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and regulations.
13. Monitoring and Compliance
13.1. Compliance Program
The Company will implement a compliance program to ensure adherence to the Code of Conduct, applicable laws, and regulations. This may include periodic audits, risk assessments, and compliance training.
13.2. Continuous Improvement
The Company is committed to continuously improving its ethical and compliance standards. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for enhancing the Code of Conduct and related policies.
By upholding the principles and guidelines outlined in this Code of Conduct, all employees, contractors, and stakeholders of Nowaar Entertainment LLC. play a vital role in creating a culture of integrity, professionalism, and mutual respect. This commitment to ethical behavior strengthens the Company's reputation, ensuring long-term success and prosperity for all involved.
14. Responsibility and Accountability
14.1. Individual Responsibility
Each employee, contractor, and stakeholder is responsible for understanding and adhering to the Code of Conduct and related policies. They are expected to seek guidance from supervisors, human resources, or the compliance department if they have any questions or concerns regarding the Code or its application.
14.2. Supervisory Accountability
Supervisors and managers are responsible for promoting a culture of ethics and compliance within their teams. They must ensure that employees and contractors under their supervision are aware of and adhere to the Code of Conduct and related policies. Supervisors must also address any concerns or violations promptly and appropriately.
15. External Reporting and Whistleblowing
15.1. External Reporting
In the event of suspected violations of laws, regulations, or the Code of Conduct that are not adequately addressed through internal reporting channels, employees, contractors, and stakeholders may report their concerns to relevant external authorities in compliance with applicable whistleblower protection laws.
15.2. Whistleblower Protection
The Company is committed to protecting the rights of whistleblowers who report concerns in good faith. Retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited, and any instances of retaliation must be reported immediately.
16. Code of Conduct Review
16.1. Periodic Review
The Company will conduct periodic reviews of the Code of Conduct to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving legal, regulatory, and industry requirements.
16.2. Feedback and Suggestions
Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the Code of Conduct and related policies to facilitate continuous improvement.
In conclusion, the Code of Conduct serves as a foundation for ethical behavior and decision-making at Nowaar Entertainment. By adhering to these guidelines, employees, contractors, and stakeholders contribute to the Company's reputation for excellence, integrity, and professionalism, ultimately fostering long-term success and growth.
17. Communication and Accessibility
17.1. Internal Communication
The Company will ensure that the Code of Conduct is communicated effectively to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders through various channels, such as onboarding processes, intranet sites, and internal communications.
17.2. Accessibility
The Code of Conduct will be made available in multiple languages and formats, as necessary, to ensure that all employees, contractors, and stakeholders can access and understand the guidelines and expectations.
18. Affirmation and Acknowledgment
18.1. Annual Affirmation
All employees, contractors, and stakeholders are required to affirm their understanding of and commitment to the Code of Conduct on an annual basis.
18.2. Acknowledgment of Receipt
Upon joining the Company or beginning a contractual relationship, all employees, contractors, and stakeholders must acknowledge receipt and understanding of the Code of Conduct.
19. Code of Conduct Violations
19.1. Consequences of Violations
Violations of the Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contractual agreements, as well as potential legal consequences.
19.2. Escalation Procedures
In cases where violations of the Code of Conduct are not resolved through standard reporting channels, employees, contractors, and stakeholders may escalate their concerns to higher levels of management or the board of directors.
20. Integration with Other Policies
20.1. Relationship with Other Policies
The Code of Conduct is designed to work in conjunction with other Company policies, such as human resources policies, safety policies, and procurement guidelines. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders must comply with all relevant policies in addition to the Code of Conduct.
20.2. Policy Conflicts
In the event of a conflict between the Code of Conduct and another Company policy, employees, contractors, and stakeholders should seek guidance from their supervisor, human resources, or the compliance department.
By upholding the principles and guidelines outlined in the Code of Conduct, employees, contractors, and stakeholders of Nowaar Entertainment LLC. contribute to a culture of ethics, compliance, and professionalism. This commitment to excellence serves as the foundation for the Company's success and growth, ensuring a positive impact on the communities it serves and the industry as a whole.
Last Update: NOV, 2023